Monday, May 12, 2008

May 12th - May 16th

7th Grade Scholars are beginning a new unit on Le Corps and Les VĂȘtements covering body vocabulary and clothing. We will use our verb AVOIR (to have) plus our masculine and feminine adjectives to describe clothing and body parts that people have (example: I have brown eyes, but she has green eyes) to show the difference in the forms of the verb avoir. Reminder that students need to continue to review at home, especially the verb forms.

We are also having a notebook check at the end of the marking period worth ONE TEST GRADE. This is an effort to encourage students to be more organized with their notebook this marking period. If students are absent, they are expected to complete the work/notebook with the necessary information. They can use the chart in class to see what needs to be added to the notebook.

8th Grade Scholars are reviewing for the Proficiency Test (see last week's information). Classes are competing to see which class will have ALL scholars in their class pass the test - to see which class will share Mr. Brundage's head! It will take reviewing and studying - but it will be worth it!

The 8th Graders' Movie Reviews (in French, of course) are on display in the hallway on the 2nd floor. It is great to see students excited about their work and showing their friends!

Several students also had the opportunity to see the movie Persepolis at the Cinema Theatre. It was a great movie (in French) based on a graphic novel about a young girl growing up in Iran during the revolution.

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