Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 2010

Dear Students and Families:

Congratulations to the children who are on our list for the trip to Montréal, Quebec for April 2nd-4th, 2010. We are looking forward to an exciting and enriching trip.

We will be having a parent meeting in March (date to be determined) to answer any questions about the trip, complete the official district field trip forms and obtain copies of your child’s birth certificates.

Please remember that the next payment of $141 is due on Feb 15th for online payments with debit or credit card. However, since this is our February break, checks need to be in by February 12th.

The final payment of $141 will be due on March 2nd.

Feel free to break up these payments into installments that fit your budget as long as the correct amount is received by February 12th and March 2nd.

For those families that have already paid in full, thank you!

Payments can be made by check (made out to Gerber Tours) or paid online by credit card or debit card at (online tour code 899B7210)

Thank you for your patience and your support!

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